Tuesday, July 01, 2008

to my beloved daughter

Chris and kez my love,

I know that you may not want to read this because it may will make you sad but it may ease my heartache.
Lately I have missed you even more than usual, and I therefore felt compelled to express that in someway.
It is so painful to think of all the many milestones that have happened for both of you during our time apart.

I am so very, very sorry for the reasons that we are living apart; I have really let you down darling. I know that if I had have been able to have expressed myself in a better way back then, then maybe things could well have turned out so differently. My love, I live with my feelings of guilt and regret every day.

I can only hope that the paper work and all the stuff turn out well.
To be reunited with you really would be all my dreams come true, but I know that we would have to waiting.

I am so blessed and proud to be your mommy.
I do hope that you feel my love for you. You are with me every moment, and I hope that you know that even though I am not able do see you, I carry you in my heart always.

I would give absolutely anything to have my little family back again though, and there is nothing in the world that I want more than to be back where I belong with you.

My love…

If you ever miss mommy, watch this video which mommy made and dedicate for you so you know how much mommy wanted you and love you. I know this video is nothing compares than our longed but at least you can see mommy even just for short time.

With all my heart


Saturday, June 14, 2008

lagi tentang gay parade

body-nya boo'...siapa sangka doi gay
duh,body-nya bikin jantung ser-seran aja...

hello readers,

karena saya sudah pernah menulis tentang gay parade di tulisan terdahulu,maka saya tidak akan membahasnya lagi lebih panjang dan lebar,nanti reader bosan bacanya kayak gak ada tema lain aja,untuk itu saya hanya akan menampilkan foto-foto-nya yang sempat saya peroleh dari parade tersebut.

ini kali kedua saya menyaksikan gay parade di usa dan entah mengapa parade gay dan lesbian tersebut tetap mencengangkan buatku yang mungkin belum terbiasa dengan kebebasan individual dalam meng-ekpresikan jati diri mereka.mungkin karena saya belum terbiasa dengan cultur amerika yang tentu saja amat sangat berbeda dengan indonesia.

semalam teman baik saya wendy ngasi kabar kalau di central avenue akan ada parade,kebetulan besoknya(sabtu 14 june 2008)oh iya,sekedar info teman saya wendy ini bule asli tapi dia lancar sekali berbahasa indonesia,padahal dia tinggal di indonesia hanya satu tahun waktu menjadi tenaga sukarela untuk anak-anak jalanan,anaknya sangat baik dan peramah.saya memang tidak ada rencana dan kegiatan apa-apa,dan sudah lama saya dan teman saya janjian ingin bertemu tapi entah mengapa selalu tidak pernah punya waktu yang cocok ,kadang kalau saya ada waktu,dia sedang sibuk,begitupun sebaliknya.
dan besok kebetulan saya tidak punya rencana,dan kegiatan apa-apa,so,tentu saja saya amat senang menerima tawarannya untuk menonton parade tersebut.

pagi-nya waktu bangun tidur,badan saya rasanya kurang sehat,sedikit fever dan pinggul rasanya sakit,tapi karena saya sudah janji untuk bertemu wendy,saya paksakan diri mandi,dan siap-siap.
tepat saat saya sudah akan keluar rumah wendy telpon dan bilang mau jemput,saya senang sekali.sekitar 20 menit menunggu wendy datang,dan kami langsung ke rumahnya karena waktu itu masih pagian dan parade belum di mulai.
di rumah wendy saya sempat sarapan,dia masih ada sisa oseng-oseng sayur+ telur orek+nasi+ sambal yang waduh pedisnya gak ketulungan tapi enak sekali.
di rumahnya,saya juga sempat di kenalkan dengan ira teman wendy asal amerika latin yang kebetulan sedang bertandang ke rumah dia hari itu.

dan readers,inilah foto-fotonya.

pstt,........wendy,ira,dan saya hanya menonton loh,kami bukan peserta gay parade,hehehhe.

para peserta

cantik yah'..

para peserta parade

para peserta




dengan windy

ngaso habis panas-panasan

bergaya habis nonton

Friday, February 22, 2008

little things about my self

I was born in paradise.
At least, that’s how I felt about my homeland while I was growing up.
Indonesia is large country set like pearls in south East Asia. She is so breathtakingly beautiful that impossible not to see the hand of God in her lush, warmer climate, green valleys, thousand islands, hundreds steaming volcanos,and million other things unlisted .

I was born in kupang, timor.when I was 40 days old, my parents moved to a little tiny village called palopo, in province of south Sulawesi Islands.

In this new place, I grow up as a happy young girl. The world was the lovely landscape surrounding me, the kindness of my neighbord, and the deep love of my parents,(well, at least my mom.) In my village, young children walked many miles to and from school along lonely stretches of road, but parents never worried a child being in danger in anyway.

My biggest fear as a youngster was being hungry and not to be able to continue my education-other than that I was an extremely happy little girl. Living in a happy village where people respected and cared for one another.

Our house was perched on a hilltop overlooking a park and stadium where you can view helicopter landings in the morning and noon, or kids and adults played soccer in that park at the evenings. Some of my warmest childhood memories were playing in the rain, collecting coconuts to buy candy, bathe our buffalo at the lake not so far from our house and swim at the lake and felling the warm water on our skin.

When we got home from our swimming, my beautiful mother would be busy in kitchen preparing the hot sago or rice dish she feed us every day before packing us off to school.
Her energy never failed to astonish me: mom always was the first to rise and last to go to bed, getting up hours before anyone else to make sure the house was in order, our clothes were laid out, and breakfast for the whole family was prepared.
She made all our clothes her self, cut out hair, and brightened our house with her handmade decorations.

The rice she prepared for us were grown in our family fields, which mom tended every morning while the rest of us still sleeping. She checked the crops and would then distribute tools to the laborer and make sure that our buffalo and other animals were fed and watered. And then, after finishing the morning chores and getting us off to school, my mom would start her full time job at our family farm.

Both my parents were farmers which is a live with almost no education but they both believers that the only way out would have been to get an education.

to be continue....